
We’re just an odd couple. We like sharing music. We hope you enjoy listening to us talk about it.
Visible in the above photo:
- Frank, AKA The Primate of AllStar Supremacy is awarded to the winner of the previous month’s playlist ceremony, and gets to live with that player for the month
- The Crown of Lamar is worn by the current Lord Protector of Frank during the processional
- The Partonic Visage is also carried by the Lord Protector of Frank
- The Rattle of Ululation is carried by the Non-Protector during the processional, and is also used to denote the picking of each song during the ceremony
- The Ceremonial Ceramic Gourd holds both of our ballots during the picking ceremony, and is protected from tampering and harm by The Primate of AllStar Supremacy
- Wigs of Gaga are worn by both players, as are
- Decorative Headdresses,
- I ♥ MY DADS bibs, and
- Ho-Leis
- The Candles of Elton are lit as part of our ceremony, as is the
- Candelabra of Bluth
- The Chicken of Feats signifies the decantation of bourbon
Also part of our playlist ceremony:
- Flaming Torches of Darnielle are lit and carried by each player during the processional and recessional
- The Chime of Thelonius begins and ends each ceremony, and is also used to signify each player’s correct number of votes
- Chalises of Fagan for sipping high-quality bourbon
- Tina Tambourine to denote a particular danceable track
- The Connie Converse Memorial Whistle a slide whistle used whenever we hear a song that displays an especially unusual instrumentation, background, humor, etc.
- The Bieberator, a fart noisemaker