July 2024


Frequent Obliviites know that we sometimes take our show on the road to record in odd places like beach motel rooms or state park campgrounds. This month we carried our laptops, mascots and various sounds effects up to the roof of the OML Studios for our July episode. So listen up as we bring you you eleven great songs, plus bonus sirens, traffic, train horns, jet flyovers, and other general city sounds! We always try and keep it entertaining for you, and remember, “this is not a professional podcast”.


Show notes from our July 2024 Spotify Podcast:

We started with Phoebe’s ten submissions and Al’s ten submissions, but our finished, 11-song playlist is put in an order that we think makes sense musically. Which is not same same order that we pick the songs during the picking ceremony heard during our podcast.


Song notes (Quotes are from song lyrics):

  1. “This summer I swam in a public place and a reservoir to boot, at the latter I was informal, at the former I wore my suit, I wore my swimming suit”

    Kate & Anna McGarrigle were a wonderful Canadian singer/songwriter/sister duo in the 1970’s and 80’s. “Swimming Song” is their first appearance in our playlist.

  2. “I don’t wanna ride your aul lad anymore, riding him’s like going to war “

    The Deadlians hail from Dublin, and their blend of punk and Irish folk remind us a lot of The Pogues. They’re one of those bands we’d love to see live.

  3. “And even when you’re good and strong and the feeling’s gone, and don’t I know it?”

    This is Blake Mills’ second appearance in our playlist, and “Wintersong” also features long time favorite Jesca Hoop.

  4. “Confess, oh, confess, in the chapel, or brothel, where we suffocate stress, we’ve got the time if you’ve got the scratch”

    Rhode Island’s The Dear Hunter has been around almost 20 years. We admire their vaguely prog-rock ambitions.

  5. “I lived by the good book with god in my ears, and I followed his will for all of my years, then you, then you”

    Lukas Frank (of the band Storefront Church) brings a wonderful mood, and he’s collaborated with lots of other musicians, including frequent Obliviite Phoebe Bridgers, who duets on “Shame”.

  6. “Night seems to fall, well, I’ll find a way, I’ll find a way to carry it all”

    We’ve always loved finding well-written older music that was maybe not as well-known back in the day, and one of our favorites of that category was December 2021’s addition of Ted Lucas’ “I’ll Find A Way (To Carry It All)”. Here we bring you the amazing Bella White covering this lovely gem of a tune.

  7. “Maybe I’m just an alien fallen to Earth, I try to fit in but there’s so much to learn, I’m so scared for the day that somebody finds out what I am”

    corook (AKA Corinne Savage)’s Spotify bio reads “singer, songwriter, producer, multi-instrumentalist, and huge f*ckin dork”. Sounds like somebody we’d want to hang out with. Especially if we’d get to hear them sing every so often?

  8. “Baby there aint no shortcuts on your way. Baby there aint no highways in these parts. You know baby gonna have to drive yourself down every little windy road if you really wanna get to where you’re goin”

    Heather Maloney lived at a silent meditation retreat center for 3 years. She’s said the silence led her to songwriting, writing her first songs there. We hope we hear more from her.

  9. “Oh but if i were a king, all of the bells would ring, hell wouldn’t mean a thing, if I were king”

    We can’t say enough about Ian Felice’s “The the Kingdom of Dreams”. The dark mood and the songwriting here is gonna win us over every time.

  10. “So you can stick your little pins in that voodoo doll, I’m very sorry, baby, doesn’t look like me at all, I’m standing by the window where the light is strong, ah they don’t let a woman kill you, not in the Tower of Song”

    Martha Wainwright is back for her second appearance with us, this time covering Leonard Cohen’s “Tower Of Song”.

  11. “No harm will comе if there’s no harm done”

    We saved the consensus best song for last. Please enjoy Josephine Foster’s “The Wheel of Fortune”, and please come back next month for eleven more great songs.


Both our Spotify playlist and our podcast are updated and released around the first of each month. We’re recorded monthly in the warm and cozy hug of the OML Studios in lovely downtown Manchester, Richmond, Virginia.

Thanks to American Ace Blended Bourbon Whiskey for help in recording this month. Theme music is from “Red Eye” by E’s Jammy Jams, accordion music by Andrew Huang. Tarte Tatin by Blue Dot Sessions. Molly Molly by Blue Dot Sessions. Country Butter by Blue Dot Sessions. Flashing Runner by Blue Dot Sessions. Willow Willow by Blue Dot Sessions. TJ Elwood by Blue Dot Sessions.

Featured image: The Chicken of Feats and Frank supervising this month’s recording session.

If you have questions or suggestions, please drop us an email.

See you next month!


In the Distance, Oblivious
In the Distance, Oblivious
July 2024